A Reunion to Remember

Posted April 24 2023
When a tiny lamb arrived at Edgar’s Mission, his life was hanging in the balance.

Weak, bloated and crying in pain, it was soon discovered that little Harry had a life-threatening congenital condition.

Rushed to the vet for emergency surgery, the operation was risky, but the brave lamb beat the odds and pulled through.

As Harry recovered, we couldn’t help but wonder about his mother.

We knew we had to save Harry’s mum and reunite her with her baby.

Soon Harry’s mum Alicia was Edgar’s Mission-bound, frightened with the uncertainty of her new surroundings.

When Alicia arrived, Harry was not due back from the vet clinic for a few more days. Concerned that Alicia’s milk supply would dry up, she was introduced to some other rescued lambs to see if she’d let them nurse. But she got scared and moved away when they approached her.

Then good news came: Harry could come home that afternoon. A surprise reunion was imminent.

Placing a terrified Alicia in our nursery, we wondered whether Alicia would recognise her baby after spending so many days apart from him. Had Harry lost his familiar scent after his vet visit?

As soon as Alicia saw Harry, it was clear that their bond remained strong.

The mother sheep walked straight up to her baby, tugging hard on the lead that was holding her. Gently ushering the lamb towards his mum, Harry looked at Alicia’s face and then went searching for her udder. Alicia was stunned, looking from Harry to her rescuers and back again.

From that moment on, they were inseparable once again.

Years have since passed, and Harry has fully recovered and has blossomed into a tall and handsome sheep who greets visitors to the sanctuary with gusto. And always by his side, bahh-ing her happy hellos and accepting pats and snacks, is his devoted mum Alicia.

Kinder Alternatives

It’s never been easier to leave lamb off your plate.

Protein can be found in a range of plant based sources – after all, that’s where herbivorous animals like gorillas get their muscles and strength from!

Whole food sources
Add spices and seasoning to these nutritious offerings to pack a healthy protein punch:
• Tofu, tempeh, seitan and TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein)
• Legumes such as beans, lentils and chickpeas
• Quinoa
• Nuts and Seeds

Fake it to make it
Craving the meat taste? Some popular fake meat brands which are easily sourced from supermarkets these days include:
• Fry’s
• Gardein
• Linda McCartney
• Tofurky
• Vegie Delights
• The Alternative Meat Co.
• Beyond Meat
• Impossible Foods
• Sunfed Meats
• Funky Fields
• Unreal Co.
• Veef

For more ideas and support, check out the Vegan Easy Challenge or VegKit.

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