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To find out where it all started is like trying to unravel a ball of string. You turn the ball over and over and see lots of threads that lead this way and that, but just exactly where it begins is hard to locate, for you know it is deep within.
Numerous are the definitions of the word “motivate”; however a common theme runs through them all, which can be distilled down to this: motivate is something that inspires someone with a reason or desire to achieve something or behave in a certain way.
The year was 1972. The location: the outer limits of the school yard. Right where the demarcation line for grade five play met that of grade four, and it was here a deal went down that would be whispered about for many a year.
Around 4.40 pm on January 11th, 2023, hope met the reality of our promise, as the last Silkie rooster was removed from the tiny wire prison that had been his home for heaven knows how long.
An encounter with kindness on January 3rd, 2021 marked a turning point for Simba. As caretakers peered into the blanket that cradled the scrawny, fluffy peach kitten, they couldn’t help but express their affection.
As busy hands and cheery hearts reach for the calendar on the wall, ready to swap it out for the one that shall help navigate us through 2023, we are reminded a new dawn has come.
Recently celebrating their five-year adoption anniversary, there is no doubt that merino duo Pottsy and Patsy have left their hoofprints firmly on their human’s heart.
Looking into the mirror just now, I touched my nose and cursed its form – a bugbear I have inherited from my dad. The nose, that is, and not the cursing.
When life gives you lemons – the final chapter. It is with a heavy heart that we must share that we had to say a final goodbye to the beautiful boy on Saturday 29th October 2022
“I would give back every joyous moment”, I soulfully said, my eyes locked onto those of the stranger I had struck up a conversation with.
Remember Colin, the piglet who fell off the back of a ute and was rescued by his namesake? The dear little fellow may have lost a toe, but he has well and truly landed on his trotters in a loving forever home with his new best buddy Moby and a piggy mansion!
As a wee tot, I can still remember vividly my mum whispering the words “be kind” into my ear as my hand stretched out to pet our family cat, Tiny.