Edgar’s Mission Passport
30 July 2018
Being Ray Ray’s eyes
Ray Ray
Certified true likeness
Lambini’s story

Leading the way…

Updated September 29, 2018

Now that Lambini has been able to recover from a nasty illness, he uses his strength for good.

Leading the way to a kinder world for a little lamb named Lambini was a local wildlife carer who rescued the abandoned lamb in the nick of time. Entering our care suffering pneumonia that left him scarily gasping for air, it was clear the emaciated older lamb had been struggling to survive for some time. With the required care and medication on board, along with much-needed nutritious formula, Lambini quickly rallied and was soon keeping good company alongside our 2018 Lamb Clan.

With his relaxed, yet friendly demeanour and penchant for cuddles, Lambini soon endeared himself to all who met him, including Ray Ray, another member of our special Lamb Clan who was born without eyes.

Witnessing the bond between the duo grow, it soon became obvious Lambini had found his calling and indeed the reason for him making his way to our sanctuary was clear.

With a lightweight bell affixed to his collar, Lambini now guides Ray Ray to and from their nighttime stall in our main barn, out to the paddock where they spend their days. The gentle chiming sound of the bell is indeed, music to our ears as we know it is the sound of Lambini leading the way for his new friend for life and together, they both are leading the way to a kinder world for us all.