“Can someone please help me out I have a full grown female goat wanting to give away but marketplace won’t allow me to post…free of charge”.
So began our introduction to a sweet little brown and white goat. Now before you judge the humans of this circumstance, remember you never know their story and probably never will, and no one has made us judge and jury.
Yet what we do know was that at the heart of it all was an animal whose life hung in the balance. And whilst social media pages and calls to the sanctuary are peppered with such cries, each one tearing at our hearts, we are not always in a position to directly assist.
however, in this one, we were.
If Avalon’s story, although that was not her name at the time, commanded our empathy, it was the pictures of her sweet little velvety nose punching through the bars that contained her, that called us to action.
Cautious of humans, for those to date did not fully understand her, Avalon appears willing to give our species another try. And at just six years young, there is every reason to believe she will become everything she was always meant to be.
Now safely ensconced in sanctuary, dear Avalon is curiously coming to terms with her new way of living. A lawnmower no more, although grass will always be at her pleasure, along with everything to fulfill her goaty desires, we trust it will not be too long before our new friend realises, she has found her Camelot.