Edgar’s Mission Passport
11th December 2024
Finding sanctuary
I was found in a cemetery
The kind human who called Edgar’s Mission
Certified true likeness
Meet Swagman

Once a jolly Swagman…

Updated December 19, 2024

It was mid-November when we first learned of a young, abandoned sheep who had taken up residence at an outer Melbourne cemetery. Yesterday, after weeks of careful planning and patient efforts, we finally caught him.

What happened in between is a heartwarming story of hope, patience, human connection and the pursuit of a kinder world ahead for a woolly friend in need.

A story best told by the heartfelt message we received from the person who alerted us to his plight, upon having heard the good news:

“Pam & team, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I cannot even begin to thank you enough for what you all did for my woolly friend this afternoon. You all went above and beyond what I expected. And as stressful as it was for me on the sideline, I never once heard any of your enthusiasm waiver. I’ve spent months worrying about what might happen to him and I’ve often shed tears thinking about how frightened and lonely he must have been all alone at the cemetery. I enjoyed our evenings together, feeding him weetbix and developing a bond with him, talking to him, telling him I’ll miss him! and asking him to trust me… and I promised him that everything would be ok.

I cried all the way home this evening because I know that he will be ok now. It seemed like an impossible task but you all put everything into it and I am truly amazed and astounded by everyone’s tenacity. I barely held it together but such a weight is off my shoulders now. You are all such golden human beings. Please take good care of my friend – he changed my life and taught me lots of patience. I told him that I’d come and visit him.

I’m looking forward to seeing him again. You are all my personal heroes and I wish you nothing but happiness and success and everything good in the world. Jeepers what an emotional rollercoaster that was! Sorry he was such a challenge! Take care! Xoxoxo”

So here is how that emotional rollercoaster played out…

Upon our arrival, the sheep appeared right on cue and cautiously moved towards his trusted human. Our sheep Kansas, not at her first “roadshow”, offered her most persuasive “baas” to draw him closer. But alas, survival instincts kicked in, and the sheep was off. 

Running for his life as any of us would when we thought a predator was in pursuit. 

Respectfully weaving through the gravestones, we must have covered every inch of the memorial park. Almost three sweaty hours later, our woolly friend darted through a gap in the fence and dived into a billabong.  A steely act of defiance that earned him his name: Swagman.

Although wading through the mire was no jolly task, the euphoria of his rescue made it all worthwhile

Today, as Swagman rests up in the sanctuary he was promised, he, like his rescuers, is weary but safe. His tenacity stands as a testament to the preciousness of life and why we do what we do, for regardless of form, every life matters.

As we look into Swagman’s woolly Southdown face, we cannot help but see hints of our dearest Chloe. Perhaps she was with us yesterday, helping guide him home.

And from here on in, the song of dear Swagman’s life takes on a kinder verse, one of safety, love and dreams fulfilled. Of grassy green fields filled with equally fortunate sheep, in a place where the only thing that will ever chase him now is kindness.

Rest easy now dearest Swagman, you’re finally home.