These Are The Days…
“But she’s so tiny,” were the first words to fall from our lips as our eyes fell on the young calf. Found abandoned roadside, by what means we will never know or understand, Days-zee was surrendered into our care.
These are the days we wonder just how cruel the world can be, but in the same thought we are reminded how kind it too can be, as personal inconvenience was set aside to ensure sanctuary found the confused Days-zee.
It takes us on a journey of the human heart when we examine the circumstances of young and vulnerable animals such as Days-zee. While all observe a tiny and shiny black baby before them, some see her as a commodity; others a momentary novelty as they drive by; and yet, for others, a being worthy of our compassion, kindness and time.
Which camp we land in says far more about ourselves than it does about the animal before us.
And while throughout history, the pages that record the advancement of our humanity are littered with technological breakthroughs, stellar medical achievements and enhanced understandings of science, the one that shines the brightest are those linked to social justice.
Our ability to embrace differences, celebrate diversity and ensure all have access to healthcare as needed.
With animals being acknowledged (and well overdue so) as sentient beings, subjects of experiences with the capacity for joy, pleasure and pain and suffering, they now stand at the forefront of our next great social justice movement.
And we do not need to look to our legislators, celebrities or even gurus for guidance on this, for we all have the tool ready at hand to do so. It is called our conscience.
What better time than now to use it?
These are the days we long for…