Edgar’s Mission Passport
Imogene, Veronique, Addison & Madison
6th May 2024
7th May 2024
We are the cool kids!
Certified true likeness
Introducing Imogene, Veronique, Addison & Madison

To be born at sanctuary…

Updated June 24, 2024

In a world where affections for animals are not based on inherent worth, sentience or compassion, being born a “farm” animal species is to be born into a life of servitude. Whether that life is short or long, it is rarely merciful.

But what of the lucky ones?

The ones who have been born at sanctuary. Whilst sanctuaries are not breeding grounds for animals, despite the great love of them that abounds there, strict breeding policies are in place. However, every now and then, animals arrive pregnant.

What a joy, a truly unbridled joy, it must be for these mummas to give birth and never have to face their bubbas being taken away from them. And what a joy, a truly unbridled joy, it is for us at sanctuaries to witness the incredible bonds between mothers and their babies.

Such was the case for Lady Karen Parker and her bestie, Emily Dickinson. Two one-time dairy production goats who arrived at sanctuary. Knowing the girls to be pregnant, we knew it would only be a matter of time before we heard the pitter-patter of little hooves gambolling about.

And true to form, with twins being a most common pregnancy for goat, both Lady Karen and Emily gave birth to sets of happy, healthy and bouncy kids. Lady Karen delivering Imogene and Veronique, while Emily gave birth to Addison and Madison. All four delighting us daily with their goaty antics. Something that most certainly warms our hearts on these frosty days.

In a world where billions of animals have drawn the short straw and are labelled “farm” animals, destined to be raised and slaughtered, doing so devoid of kindness or meaningful animal protection laws, sanctuaries give these animals hope. Hope for the lucky few who will live out their lives free from human exploitation, and hope for all of the others that the world can become a kinder place for them.

But what an incredible experience to circumvent the system and be born at sanctuary!

What a joy, a truly unbridled joy, it must be for these mummas to give birth and never have to face their bubbas being taken away from them.