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She first graced the silver screen way back in 2006. Her debut film was to be her one and only, but her mark was indelible.
Did you know that Al Gore enjoys the company of Bill Gates? Legend has it the pair met under a tree in a park where they quickly became fast friends.
It’s a thought exercise we pose regularly to students as part of our humane education program, ‘Joining the dots’.
They speak in tongues we cannot understand; their cries fall on deaf hearts, yet their plea is always the same, “Why?”
Desire – noun. A strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.
Whilst it could never be described as a panic attack, it was more of a heightened sense of anxiety that would swell, threaten to engulf me and then subside as quickly as it sprang forth.
I have a confession: I am a collector. Now some may call my habit of collecting various memorabilia ‘hoarding’, however I protest. I am a collector and I am a meticulous one at that.
Incredulous as it may seem, those are the very words that came from the lips of the factory worker whose plea for help just saved the lives of four tiny kittens and their abandoned mother.
We did just last week, and forever their pitiful dirges will haunt us. As first it was their midnight bellows that stirred me from my bed.
Dear unknown pig, today, I write an apology.
Over and over we are touched by the mystical experiences of life. Gertrude’s story is all of this and more.
People often enquire what is the most frequently asked question we receive. I do not even have to think for a second for the answer, as the lay down misère is this ‘can you take my rooster?’