Edgar’s Mission Passport
3rd March 2023
Gentle and sweet
For all sheep to grow old
Winning hearts
Certified true likeness
Violet’s story

Far From Shrinking, Meet Violet.

Updated April 3, 2023

Age has done nothing to detract from the dishevelled beauty before us that is Violet.

Although an emaciated form and an untreated flystruck wound say she has known little kindness, it does nothing to diminish her worth for receiving it. But taking a step back before sweet Violet entered our fold, she did not have a name, only a fast-shrinking future.

Turning both around we named her Violet as we blanketed her in our love, tended her injury and imagined her covered in the soft purple hues of enlightenment, hope, and spiritual fulfilment.

Although still a little wary of our kindness, and despite the indifference she has endured, Violet is a gentle soul

Her old-world name too conveys succinctly her splendour and grace and reminds the incredible power of nature.

And although still a little wary of our kindness, and despite the indifference she has endured, Violet is a gentle soul, with the courage to be curious, and she is a wise being who commands a second look.

Looking a second time at her, one cannot escape seeing a sheep who has miraculously evaded the fate of so many of her kind. Getting to live to a ripe old age, and now doing so with dignity and autonomy, more than informs us that although she is soft and sweet, she is far from shrinking.

And that all sheep, in this respect, are both sentient and sensitive, it is something we should never shrink away from.