Micky & Mini – Power
Only moments into our care, two little orphan lambs named Micky and Mini, without words, began to tell us about themselves.
Micky, stoically brave, although at his tender age it was more bluff than bravado, held his ground, while his timid sibling Mini took cover behind her big brother. Mini’s squinting left eye and pleading face pulled at our heartstrings and told us she had fared worse when deprived of her mother’s tender love and breast milk.
Passing away some days before for reasons unknown, their mumma’s lifeless body was still the refuge to which the tiny two continued to retreat. Nudging her frantically with all their might and strongest of will, nothing in their power was going to summon her to life.
Such a tragic tale is one that unfurls all too often at this time of year. A dear ewe’s illness goes unseen, and her pain and suffering untreated, leaving behind a legacy of rotting remains and many a confused and vulnerable orphan at this, the most inhospitable time of the year.
Yet every now and then, hope is found in these unlikely places, and lambs like Micky and Mini find sanctuary and do not become a statistic. Such an act of human benevolence, choosing not to look the other way, reminds us all of the incredible power we have to improve the world for others.
For this truly is our human superpower, best played out by simply being kind.