Mazda’s moving story
Mazda’s first day at sanctuary was the second day of her life. She arrived with her tiny body still stained yellow by meconium, the last remnants of a difficult birth.
Although incredibly vulnerable and small, she made an impression as deep as her eyes were bright. That cheeky glint in them then is still as strong today and speaks of her innate confidence—an early declaration of her will to live.
Weaving strength and immunity into the fabric of her life, Mazda was offered colostrum in the hope it had not come too late. Knowing that the first six hours of life are optimal for this, with the window for absorption closing some 18 hours thereafter, we trusted we could sneak this in. And by all reports of how Mazda has fared in the days that followed, it seems this liquid gold has made a difference.
With the stains of her past fading away, her new world has chased away any lingering shadows. Now, with the promise of a new life ahead, she is destined to grow strong and sure.
And as the light of each day dims and Mazda and her friends head to bed, they nestle into their bed of soft golden straw. With a halo of kindness all around them, our hearts cannot help but be moved by the profound warmth that comes from witnessing the miracle of her being.