Edgar’s Mission Passport
1st November 2023
Landing at EM
Leaping from a fast moving truck
Shaun the Sheep
Certified true likeness
Jump’s story

An Ember of Hope

Updated December 7, 2023

Meet a Sheep Named Jump. Found wandering on a highway that homed no sheep, it is believed that dear Jump did just that.

From the height of a “livestock” carrier, his jump, whilst it could well have claimed his life, was to save it. The carrier continuing its death journey to the nearby abattoir. And herein we find an ember of hope. Not only for Jump’s leap of faith, but too, the actions of the humans who saved his life.

For just as easily as he could have been turned over to the industry that already had dibs on him, he was passed legally over to sanctuary.

Alas, though, while Jump quickly did so into our hearts, we not so into his. And who can blame him for his caution? After all, his interactions with our species thus far in his life had not been of the endearing kind.

Taking his lead from his new buddies, Jump is already moving towards our presence, where once he would flee

But sheep are smart, far smarter than they are generally given credit for. We see this daily, and we are seeing this now with Jump as he integrates into our flock: a flock made up of an eclectic mix of sheep who have survived the school of hard knocks and are now graduates from our seminary of kindness. Taking his lead from his new buddies, Jump is already moving towards our presence, where once he would flee.

And herein we find another ember of hope.

That sheep have the wherewithal to forgive our species, the one that was once their oppressor, and give us another try, calls us in to see the incredible comfort that comes from making peace with the world.

Let this be a testament that what starts out as an ember of kindness, whether helping another being in need, seeing the commonality of us all, or being inspired by a sheep, can spark an eternal flame of kindness that can help heal us all.