Edgar’s Mission Passport
I Spy
I Spy
26th August 2022
29th August 2022
Spying a kinder future for farmed animals
Certified true likeness
I Spy’s story

I Spy…

Updated August 26, 2022

The lost little lamb reminding us of what lies deep within us all – the power to change, and create a world of joy and peace.

Spying that a kinder future should lie ahead for a little lost lamb, the call was made.

And although I Spy’s time here at Edgar’s Mission has been short, as she heads off to her forever home with the good folk at Victorian Lamb Rescue, it was enough to remind us yet again of the power of these diminutive beings.

Beings who can spark the best within us all through their vulnerability and their innocence.

For we humans can and sadly do (oft times unwittingly) commit unspeakable acts of cruelty and indifference to the animals we have labelled “farm” animals. Reducing them to production units, we have not only denied their sentience and their sensitivities, but we too have denied our ingenuity and our humanity.

And whilst our hardest lessons can come from realising that we are the instigators of pain and suffering in the world, they too can serve as our best, for they remind us that we, as beings of great power, are also beings of great wisdom and compassion.

And because of that we have a choice, for the world around us can become a manifestation of the beliefs we hold and the actions we do.

Holding true to this thought, we have no more potent reminder than that the world we spy is actually the one we are all active participants in. So whilst we can complain and we can protest, or we can write vitriolic speeches or offer venomous retorts to those whose ideas sit beyond those held by us, it should serve us well to appreciate that we are feeding a demon who does not warrant our energies or negativity.

So what then if it is true that the answer to this all is not to be found in the change we seek in others but something that lies deep within us all –

the power to change ourselves and create a world of joy and peace and live lives of great meaning and purpose.

Something that can be brought to the fore when we spy our own innate kindness reminding us that we are all connected: humans, non-humans and our glorious, wondrous and unique planet.

Thank you, little I Spy, for this gentle reminder, and thank you to the human who saw value in your being.