Edgar’s Mission Passport
Gin Rummy
Gin Rummy
4th July 2022
The King of Hearts
Coming out of my shell
For all lambs to know kindness
Certified true likeness
Gin’s story

Turning the hand (or hoof) life has dealt you…

Updated July 6, 2022

Gin Rummy has both fortuitously and unwittingly exchanged the hand in life he had been dealt from that of food animal to friend.

Gin Rummy is an adorable wee chap – a lamb of around two weeks of age. He recently came into our care, kindness and office space after having been found in the darkness of the night. Found as he was by the spotlight of human kindness, all alone and wanting in a place little lambs never should be.
Whilst initially lacklustre and shy, all that has melted away with the warmth of sweet-tasting formula, a cheeky little buddy and a kindly lap on which to sit. And as each new day greets little Gin Rummy, it could be said that he turns to it with a new hoof.
Although truth be told, that dear little hoof is just as it was before sanctuary found him. The only difference now is Gin Rummy has both fortuitously and unwittingly exchanged the hand in life he had been dealt from that of food animal to friend.
And it is those words alone that reveal far, far more about we humans than it does about little lambs.
For, alas, it would seem we hold all the cards when it comes to the non-human world.
Dealing them kindnesses and favours, based not on who they intrinsically are, but on the use they serve to satisfy our needs.
However, one of the many wondrous things in this world is that we can always turn another card and stop this commodification of animals that too has stopped our hearts and caused many a poker face. Doing so by the simple act of turning our hands to kinder ways of wholehearted living that recognise, in the ways that matter most, that we share so much in common with those with whom we share the planet.
All of which serves to remind us that we should share with them our kindness too.
None more so than a little lamb named Gin Rummy.