Edgar’s Mission Passport
29th July 2024
Dacia, Navara, Daewoo, Renault
Driving people wild with my antics
I want to be loved
Certified true likeness
Introducing Daihatsu

That’s who!

Updated September 5, 2024

“Who’s this precious little one?” we enquired as a tiny lamb was tenderly handed over into our care. The freshness of whom was smelt and seen in the wetness of the amniotic fluid that still shrouded their trembling body.

“Daihatsu, that’s who,” one team member enthusiastically replied, as we all dived under the bonnet to get the hypothermic baby firing on all cylinders. 

With the colostrum thawed, the Bair Hugger heat blanket ready, and the navel clip and iodine prepared, our team once again operated like a well-oiled machine. This was how they had worked throughout this winter’s lambing season.

And soon, it was clear we’d revved up her spirit with love and good mechanics, for in a matter of minutes, this wee lamb was humming along. Downing that liquid gold with the speed and control of F1 racing car ace, Lewis Hamilton.

Our hearts no longer race with concern; they now race with unbridled love, seeing little Daihatsu gambolling about with her besties: Dacia, Navara, Daewoo and Renault. With their Dorset roots running through their veins and sweet-fuzzy faces, they could well be siblings; they all look so much the same.

Watching Diahatsu and her crew thrive under our care and kindness reminds us of the delicate balance of life and the responsibilities we hold as helpers and healers in this world.

Watching Diahatsu and her crew thrive under our care and kindness reminds us of the delicate balance of life and the responsibilities we hold as helpers and healers in this world.

But individuals they all are, and seeing their unique and sometimes quirky personalities come to the fore encourages us to zoom in a little more on their lives and our own. Seeing their lives run parallel to our own compels us to ask the question: do we have the right to so thoughtlessly over-ride theirs, simply for a fleeting gastronomic pleasure?